Your CITI account must have your GSU email address listed for your training courses to show in the Research Portal.
Go to and select the "Log In" button:
On the login page enter your username and password:
Under your name in the top right menu, select "Profiles":
On the Profiles page, verify that your "Preferred Email" is your GSU email.
If it is not, select "Edit Profile" and update your email to your GSU email:
Save the form.
Your CITI account must have "Georgia State University" listed under your affiliated institution for your training courses to show in the Research Portal.
On the Profiles page, under the "Institutional Profiles" section, verify that "Georgia State University" is your affiliated institution.
If it is not, select the "add an affiliation" link:
Search for the full text of "Georgia State University" and select it from the dropdown menu.
"Pending" Insitutional Affilation?
After adding an GSU affiliation to an account, CITI may mark an account as “Pending”.
To verify your GSU email address associated with the account please see the guide here How to Update a Pending GSU Institutional Affiliation.
*Please note, it will take 24 hours to update your profile and be reflected in the CITI system.
**If after the 24 hour period, the training still shows as invalid in the Proposal form, please upload your certificate in the form to show OSP that the training is valid using the guide here: How to Download Your COI Certificate.
Need more help? Please contact CITI directly or reach out to us at Research Solutions.