- A GSU staff member requests a GSU Affiliate Account by completing the Affiliate Account Request Form.
- Upon successful submission of the form, the external person will be sent an email to confirm their contact information and verify their identity.
- After receiving the new GSU email address, Username and Password, they may log in to any GSU system.
Need more help with the Affiliate Account process? Please see the Human Resources help page here HR Help.
- After the researcher's affiliate account is approved by Human Resources, the external personnel can be added to the Proposal form "SFI Info" section in the Research Portal by the Department.
- Note: Only after this is done, will the proposal will be available in the external personnel's Significant Financial Interest (SFI) form.
- Researcher logs in to the SFI Disclosure system with their new GSU Username and Password and submits a SFI Disclosure form.
- If this is for a proposal, they will need to disclose it using the guide here: How to Add a Proposal to Disclosure Form.
- For the Proposal's "SFI Info" section to be complete, the external personnel must have valid Conflict of Interest (COI) Training completed in the CITI system.
- Create/update a CITI account, using your GSU email here. (Please note, the CITI account email must match the GSU email address.)
- CITI may mark the affiliation as "Pending" and require them to verfiy the GSU email address on the account. See the guide here How to Update a Pending GSU Institutional Affiliation.
- After the account is created, complete the Conflict of Interest (COI) training here. (Please note, the CITI system takes 24 hours to update after a change is made.)
Need more help? Please contact OSPA directly or reach out to us at Research Solutions.