You must disclose all Domestic or Foreign entities in which you or your immediate family have an Outside Activity, Significant Relation or Financial Interest.
Step 1: Go to and login with your CampusID and Password.
o add an entity to your disclosure form, select the “Add” button in the “Significant Financial Interests, Significant Relationships and Outside Activities” section under the appropriate Domestic or Foreign sections:
Step 2: To disclose all Domestic or Foreign entities, navigate to the "Significant Financial Interests, Significant Relationships and Outside Activities" section.
Select "Yes" for the question under Domestic or Foreign.
Step 3: Select the "Add" button under the "Entities in which you or your immediate family have a Significant Relationship or Financial Interest" table to open the popup:
Step 4: In the popup, select the type of Item, Amount, and Description.
To add an item to the entity, select the “Add” button in the “Item” and select the type of Item, Amount, and Description:
*A significant financial interest is at least $5,000. If the total does not meet this requirement, there is no need to disclose the interest. You can also disclose equity as a percentage or a significant relationship.
Select the "Save" button when done:
To remove an item, select the minus button:
The added entity will appear in the “Significant Financial Interests, Significant Relationships and Outside Activities” section:
To view or edit an entity, select the "Edit" icon:
To archive an entity, select the "Archive" icon:
Step 6: Under the "Request for Approval to Engage in External Activity" section, complete an annually-updated Request for Approval to Engage in External Activity Form, then upload it by selecting "Choose File", selecting the file, then selecting "Upload" button:
Step 7: To save your changes, select the "Save Changes" button to save and submit the disclosure:
Still need more help? Please contact Research Solutions.