Purpose: This document provides guidance on when and how multiple speedtypes will be created for a project at initial award set up. It also addresses when additional speedtypes will be set up under an existing CON# after initial award set up has been completed.
General Instructions for Multiple Speedtypes
- In every instance of multiple speedtype creation, each separate speedtype connected to one award should be noted in the comments section of the parent NOAA.
- Budgets –
- When separate speedtypes are being created for the current budget period, the department research administrator managing the project will provide separate budgets for each speedtype being created.
- When separate speedtypes are being created for multiple budget periods, the department research administrator will provide a budget(s) for Year 1 only. No budget will be set up for the out year speedtypes until the award for that year has been issued by the sponsor.
Internal Instances for Multiple Speedtypes and Process for Creation
Automatic Multiple Speedtypes Will be Created in the Following Instances
- Federal Projects with non-automatic carry-Forward, i.e. U01s
- Non-automatic carry-forward is defined as carry-forward that requires sponsor approval to carry-forward unobligated funds from one budget period to the next.
- Separate speedtypes will be created for each year of the project, during initial project setup, when it's known it will be a multi-year project with non-automatic carry-forward.
- The out-year speedtypes will be set up with a $0 budget.
- The speedtypes will be provided to the departments as a comment on the NOAA to ensure a seamless transition of charging in out years.
- The description of each year's speedtypes will begin with the year abbreviated and the title – Y1: Title; Y2:Title, etc.
- For non-automatic carry-forward, once the carry-forward is approved by the sponsor the previous year's speedtype will be reduced by the carry-forward amount and the carry-forward amount will be added to the current year speedtype.
- To move the approved carry-forward funds to the current year speedtype two award notice forms are needed.
- The first award notice is a budget decrease on the previous year speedtype and the rebudget template can be used to deobligate funds from the previous year's loaded budget.
- The second award notice is a budget increase to the current year's speedtype and the same rebudget template can be used to add the funds on the lines needed.
- If an out year speedtype needs to be used before the new year's NOA for funding has come in, the department should route an advance account request with the speedtype already created and assigned for the upcoming year that was noted in the comments of the original award. The standard documents and information for an advance account should be included.
- When the new year's sponsor award notice has been received, the speedtype will be fully set up with the department and sponsor-approved budget.
- Projects with distinct projects and/or cores
- Projects structured to include separate projects and/or cores, such as the NIH P50 or U54 funding mechanisms, will be set up with separate speedtypes for each core and project for each year of the project. For example, a 5-year NIH P50 award with an admin core, a pilot research core and 3 projects will be set up with 25 separate speedtypes – 5 speedtypes for each year.
- The department should create budget spreadsheets for each core and project for which a separate speedtype is needed and upload all the budgets to the parent award notice form.
- OSPA will use these budgets to create award notices and separate speedtypes as appropriate and separate NOAAs will be released for each speedtype. All speedtypes will be connected to the parent CON number in Spectrum and the research portal.
- Program Income
- Projects that anticipate program income will be set up with a separate speedtype for the program income generated by the project.
- A separate budget spreadsheet should be created for the estimated amount of program income and uploaded to the parent award notice form.
- OSPA will use the separate budgets to create award notices and separate speedtypes as appropriate and separate NOAAs will be released for each speedtype. All speedtypes will be connected to the parent CON number in Spectrum and the research portal.
- Multiple funding sources
- Projects that have multiple funding sources are set up with separate speedtypes for each funding source. This is required for GSU reporting. For example, a project awarded by a Georgia state agency that is funded by both federal funds and state funds will be set up with separate projects for the federal funds and the state funds.
- The department should provide separate budgets for each funding source and upload the budgets to the award notice. OSPA will use these budgets to create award notices and separate speedtypes as appropriate and separate NOAAs will be released for each speedtype. All speedtypes will be connected to the parent CON number in Spectrum and the research portal.
- Sponsors applies F&A rate to direct costs base that differs from the negotiated F&A Agreement
- In rare cases, a sponsor will not apply their sponsored approved F&A rate to the standard direct costs base as stated in our negotiated agreement.
- In these cases separate speedtypes will be created for the costs which the approved F&A rate will be applied and the costs for which no F&A is allowed.
- Separate budgets should be uploaded to the parent award notice – one with the approved F&A rate that includes the allowed costs that it can be applied to and one with the F&A rate as 0% for the costs that the F&A rate cannot be applied to.
- OSPA will use these budgets to create award notices and separate speedtypes as appropriate and separate NOAAs will be released for each speedtype. All speedtypes will be connected to the parent CON number in Spectrum and the research portal.
- Sponsor Restricted Funds
- When the sponsor requires separate tracking of costs, separate speedtypes will be set up for funds that have been restricted by the sponsor for an approved use.
- Diversity or Administrative Supplements
- When the notice of award is received by the sponsor for a restricted supplement, a separate award notice should be created by OSPA.
- The standard documents and information should be uploaded to the award notice by the department per the standard NOA process.
- OSPA will create a separate speedtype and a separate NOAA will be released. The supplement will be linked to the parent CON number in Spectrum and the research portal.
- Restricted Carry-Forward
- Defined as carry-forward funds that the sponsor requires to be tracked separately from the previous and current year allocation and can only be used for those purposes approved by the sponsor.
- A new speedtype for the restricted carry-forward will be created using the budget approved by the sponsor and the original speedtype will be reduced by the restricted carry-forward amount.
- To move the approved carry-forward funds to the new restricted speedtype two award notice forms are needed.
- The first award notice is a budget decrease on the previous year's speedtype and the rebudget template can be used to deobligate funds from the previous year's loaded budget.
- The second award notice is a budget to create a new speedtype and the internal budget spreadsheet should be used to add the funds on the lines needed.
- OSPA will create a separate speedtype and a new NOAA with the separate speedtype will be released for the restricted carry-forward and will be linked to the parent CON number in Spectrum and in the research portal.
- When Separate Speedtypes Will No Longer Be Created
- Future Release of Funds – i.e. Human Subjects or Animals restriction due to pending protocols. In instances where the award delays the release of funds for a specific amount, only one speedtype will be created and the process is as follows:
- The department will upload a reduced budget removing the restricted funds total, and they will also upload the full budget.
- The department will put a comment in the award notice record explaining the situation.
- OSPA will set up the speedtype with the reduced budget.
- Once the release of funds is issued, a new award notice will be created by OSPA for the amendment under the original speedtype.
- OSPA will pull the full budget from the original award notice and process the amendment, fully funding the account with the total award budget.
Multiple Speedtypes Will Be Created Upon Request in the Following Instances
- Multiple Investigators
- If requested by the principal investigator/department, OSPA will set up separate speedtypes for multiple investigators working on the project to track their budgets separately.
- The department should provide separate budgets for each PI and upload the budgets to the parent award notice.
- OSPA will use these budgets to create award notices and separate speedtypes as appropriate and separate NOAAs will be released for each speedtype. All speedtypes will be connected to the parent CON number in Spectrum and the research portal.
- Participant Support
- When the department administrator determines, at the time of award setup, that a separate participant support speedtype is necessary for efficient management of the award a separate speedtype should be requested.
- The departmental contact should comment in the notice of award that a separate participant support costs speedtype is being requested.
- A separate budget for the participant support costs should be uploaded.
- OSPA will then create a separate notice of award under the same CON number for the participant support costs and attach the budget provided by the department.
- The participant support speedtype should have the F&A rate set to 0% and all the lines opened.
- The description of the speedtype should start with PART SUPP: Project Title
- Separate NOAAs will be released for each speedtype which will be connected to the parent CON number in Spectrum and the research portal.
- As of December 2020, all new awards and supplements will be associated with the original CON number, even when multiple speedtypes are assigned. Prior to December 2020, separate CONS were used in some situations and will remain in place for older projects.
- When A Speedtype Will Be Added to an Existing CON#
- When routing additional year budgets and supplement proposals, the original CON should be entered on the proposal routing form.
- Funds restricted by the sponsor after the initial award was made.
- When the sponsor restricts the use of certain funds after the initial award was made, OSPA will create a separate speedtype to manage those funds. This most commonly occurs when a sponsor issues a diversity supplement or other supplemental funding with a restricted use. This separate speedtype should only be created if the awarding of these restricted funds was unknown at the time of initial award set up.
- For separate speedtype creation, refer to above process for restricted funds.
- Restricted carry-forward
- Similar to the above, a separate speedtype will be created under the original CON# if an award without automatic carryover is granted use of carryover funds from the prior budget period and such funds are restricted to the use proposed in the carryover request.
- For separate speedtype creation, refer to above process for restricted carry-forward.
- OSPA Process
- The OSPA preaward officer will generate the award for the first speedtype using the same process for awards with a single speedtype. They will route the Award Notice to the OSPA postaward officer with all necessary information to set up the additional speedtypes.
- The OSPA postaward officer will create the additional speedtypes and link them to the CON#. For Year 1 speedtypes, the postaward officer will set up the budget for all speedtypes. No budget will be set up for out-year speedtypes.
- The OSPA postaward officer will route the Award Notice back to the preaward officer who will complete the award set up process for the additional speedtypes. The preaward officer will route the Award Notice to the Associate Director to approve and issue the NOAA.
Please refer to the following Job Aid for details on how to complete this process in Spectrum.