Go to https://researchportal.gsu.edu and log in with your Campus ID and Password and select the "Sign in" button:
In the left-side menu select "My Submissions":
In the "My Submissions" view, select the "Create a Submission" button:
In the popup, select "Close Out":
Then select the "Create Submission" button:
To be completed by Grants and Contract Officer
Enter a Primary CON# to populate the fields.
Select the "Save and Continue" button to save and move to the next tab.
To be completed by Grants and Contracts Officer 3 - 6 months out from project end date.
The entered Primary CON# will populate all associated speedtype numbers and PIs.
Enter the Budget, Encumbrances, Direct Cost Balance and Indirect Cost Balance values.
Select the "Save and Continue" button to save and move to the next tab.
To be completed and routed by GCO at least 30 days before final financial report is due to sponsor
When complete with this tab, select the "Approve & Send to PI" button:
Completed and routed by PI
PI completes the steps below:
To save and approve the form:
If issues are found:
Select the "Save and Continue" button to save and move to the next tab.
To be completed by OSP Accountant
Upload the Final Report here and complete the fields.
As each person approves, the approvals will show at the top of this section including name and date of approval:
When complete, select the "Save and Continue" button to save and move to the "Final Close Out" tab.
To be completed by OSP Accountant after completing Final Report/Invoice
OSP reviews all tabs on the Close Out form and fills out "Final Close Out" tab.
To approve and complete:
Once complete, all approvals will show in the Final Report/Invoice tab.
Select the "History" button to see a running history whenever someone updates the form.
Select the "Export to PDF" button to export a PDF file.
Need more help? Please contact OSP directly or reach out to us at Research Solutions.