Please note: We suggest using Chrome or Firefox browsers that support modern applications for best results.
Step 1: Go to and login with your CampusID and Password.
Step 2: Navigate to the "My Disclosure" tab.
Step 3: Scroll down to the "Sponsored Project Disclosure" section. Under the "Protocol Submissions" sub-section, select the "Add" (+) button:
Step 4: The disclosed protocol will appear in the "Protocol Submissions" table:
To view a disclosed proposal or protocol, select the "View" icon :
To delete a disclosed proposal or protocol, select the "Delete" icon :
Step 5: You are required to disclose any domestic or foreign Significant Financial Interests, Significant Relationships or Outside Activities associated with this proposal.
If you do have significant interests, follow the guide to add any interests here: How to Add a Significant Interest to Disclosure Form
If you have no significant interests, skip to Step 6.
Step 6: After reviewing the whole disclosure form, select the "Submit Disclosure" button to save and submit the disclosure.